Welcome to my Blog

I'm an Author. I love to write, I love to read and I just love books in general.

Friday, August 14, 2009

My Website

Ok, I've had the best time with building my website. I knew NOTHING. Keep in mind... I can't even program numbers in my cell. It took me a while to get the hang of computers and I only learned them because I spent hour after hour on one when we bought our first. I could take a VCR apart and fix it but... I could never figure out how to program one. That's just how I'm wired. Now you understand what a daunting task it was when I realized I needed a website. I checked into having one built. We couldn't afford even the most reasonable ones. I expected the worst (something a 5 year old would turn out) but I am impressed with how I did. Of course my site isn't nearly as nice as people pay hefty money for. Some of those are just... WOW. But for someone on a really tight budget, had to learn EVERYTHING, and who thought a 'stock' photo was something you'd find in a product catalog.... I think I did good.

First I tweaked with the darn layouts. That was a week of horror while I learned what a gadget even was. WHO KNEW??? ( And so far.... I haven't even used one so.... that was a waste of time...LOL )Then the hunt was on for free stock photos because...well, something has to be on the site. Then a friend of mine directed me to a few sites and then of course I found the pay one that was really affordable that I picked up a few pics from. So anyway, the site is almost up and running. It looks a thousand times better than I imagined I could do I'm proud of it... if you hate it... LIE!!! (I think I'm kidding...LOL) So... when it's 'live' as to speak... I'll post the link here.

I'm editing the second book. I'm waiting to hear back how the first round of edits went with the first book. I'm waiting for the book cover and a release date when the editing is totally done. I'm really excited.

1 comment:

  1. I can relate. Had a look at your site, can't beleive it wasn't done by a professional. Well done.
    Bea Jay
