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Elloras Cave
Kat’s boss wants dirt on the NSO. She is sent to Homeland undercover but everything goes wrong as soon as she enters the front gates. She is arrested by a big, powerful, sexy New Species but she is not frightened. He turns her on and things heat up fast between them. Now, she just hopes he doesn’t break her heart.
Darkness admires Kat’s courage but he cannot trust anything she says. He hasn’t been with a female for years because he knows he is too damaged. He is not mate material, despite his desire to possess her in every way. Darkness fears losing control—the one thing that defines his life. He doesn’t think he can tear down the protective walls he’s built, even for her.
Inside Scoop: Kat never realized how much fun handcuffs and dominant males could be until she discovered her kinky side through Darkness’ need for control.
Am a bit confused i just had an email from amazon saying it will be delivered on 24th even though the main amazon page says 23rd and 23rd on here which is it definitely as can't wait lol
ReplyDeleteI got the same Email. It's a little puzzling, but I'm not gonna quibble over a day. Whenever it shows up on my Kindle, I'll start squeeing - then I'll start reading!
DeleteQue emocion!! al fin otro libro de las Nuevas Especies, lo esperaba con ansias!!
ReplyDeleteCan hardly wait! Hope Laurann is doing better with her health. Tried to check her FB page but coudnt accesss it.
ReplyDeleteWoohoo! Can't Wait!......Just reread TIGER and I kind of want a book for Vengeance....similar to Zorus....didn't think that character was likable until you wrote the story and it is now one of my favs in the talented you are (sorry for the Yoda phrase)
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to read this. Thank you for all you write. Hope you are doing well.
ReplyDeleteSeptember only just began and now I wish it was the end of the month instead! lol Can't wait! ~Pamela S.
ReplyDeleteCheck it out! Smiley cover reveal!!!
Please don't any one take this the wrong way but... Is it just me....or is anyone else more excited about Smiley's book then Darkness book don't get me wrong i realy want to read it but have to confess i am excited more about smiley am so intrigued as to how His book will go and hes wanted someone as far back as we all can remember so am looking forward to Darkness book but smiley more am i the only one? Thankyou Cylver for the link ��
ReplyDeleteYour welcome!
DeleteI think that Darkness is going to be a lot more intense than we've seen from Laurann before. We don't know nearly as much about Darkness as we do about Smiley, but I get the feeling that Darkness is a lot more forbidding and a lot scarier than other Species we've met. I also get the feeling that Mercile did quite the number on him to make him that way.
As for Smiley, I can't say that I'm looking forward to his story more than I'm looking forward to Darkness, but I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what makes Smiley tick! And, you know, what makes him smile!
Very true all those things are going to be interesting to see even in Obsidian he was set up as one to be careful around. It will be interesting to see why a police woman has been sent in to investigate and why that's what am looking forward to.
ReplyDeleteI think with smiley its just nice to know that he will be getting his hopefully happy ending with a mate as he has wanted one for so long and hope an explanation as to why the name.
then the guessing game begins after Darkness book how long until the next release
I heard sometime around Christmas, but please don't quote me on that! Usually, the cover reveal happens fairly close to the release date, so I'm hopeful it will be sooner rather than later.
DeleteThat was the same thought i had as there's a cover ready but until the time its announced by LD and Ellora's cave i tend to keep a lid on my excitement lol will find out eventually
DeleteHello! Im sooooo excited about all Laurann Dohner's books!!! I've been waiting for this since the moment he appears...!!! Im dying for read all of them...
ReplyDeleteI'm excited about Smiley's story just because that means there's another New Species book in the works. But, I've wanted Darkness' story since he was first mentioned. I can't wait for this one! :D Got Darkness pre-ordered, now it just needs to show up on Audible so I can listen at work! LOL
ReplyDeleteI love all her books, and am looking forward to both Smiley and Darkness, but I really want a book for Jericho too. I have been hoping for that one a lot??!! I will just have to read the others to hold me over ;)
ReplyDeleteI am looking forward to Darkness more.Smiley doesn't seem as alpha as the rest. That being said I truly hope that hearing about a primate is as exciting as what I have longed for. The speed of the felines and the tracking by scent of the canines was so well written by Laurann.I am looking forward to hearing about the primates strengths in heights and climbing,hope it comes into play with his book. The book I hope I live long enough to read is Kit's story.It drives me insane trying to figure out why she is so nasty towards most people and new species men. More so than the other females. I just have to say I can not wait for more of "mating series and the zorn series" I love those as much as the New Species.Does anyone know if it has been mentioned about the 'Gift females' being able to get pregnant? I don't remember it being mentioned with Beauty?
ReplyDeleteOk not to be a huge tease but i have read Kits spoiler you don't see anything about her mate and who it is but an explanation as to why she is so mean. Am going to attempt to put it up here as they were all emailed to me on PDF and i have no idea how to copy and paste that format so bare with me. unfortunately no Zorn spoilers though.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! Anything about the Gift females being able to conceive?
ReplyDeleteRight on for Darkness! The warrior of warriors, with a soft heart somewhere in there.
ReplyDeleteJust wondering, are any other books coming out soon besides the new species books?
ReplyDeleteok 1st let me say this isnt mine i dont own it and the works. this is what was sent to me and can probably change in the future. am doing it in 2 parts
ReplyDeletePiece of Kit -UNEDITED --- and NO, she doesn't end up with Jaded but I wanted you to see she isn't absolutely horrible. LOL. Kit laced her shoe and stood, done with reliving the past. The memory of that day always haunted her. She’d been young and naïve once, foolish by giving her heart to a human. She’d never make that mistake again. She fled her apartment and avoided the others by using the back stairs to leave the women’s dorm. One glance at her watch told her that she would be late if she didn’t hurry. This was one meeting she dreaded most and the months leading up to it had put her in a bad mood. That was an understatement. She lived in constant fear. The NSO headquarters was busy for a Friday and she hated having to see so many other Species as she walked through the lower half of the building, took the stairs, and finally paused in front of Councilman Jaded’s door. He’d be waiting. That’s what she was afraid of. Her hands trembled a little when she knocked. His deep voice scared her when he ordered her to enter. The doorknob turned easily in her hand as she shoved it open. There he was behind a desk. His bright green eyes speared her where she hesitated. “Kit.” Her back stiffened. “You are at Homeland.” “You knew I would be.” He put his hands on the desk. “Close the door behind you.” “Must I?” She didn’t want to. “Do it.” Irritation flashed in his gaze. She pushed the door closed and stayed near it, not wanting to get any closer to him than necessary. “What did you want?” “I wanted to see how you were assimilating with society but I’ve been reading the reports instead.” He reached over and lifted a file before staring at her. “You’re a troublemaker. Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Anger and pain battled inside her. “My life is none of your concern.”
2nd bit
ReplyDeleteHe slowly rose. Her back hit the door when she subconsciously tried to retreat. He could move fast if he wanted. The male might be wearing a nice dress shirt and slacks but the expensive clothing couldn’t hide a vicious predator from her. “Really?” “You’re not my councilman.” “I am.” He stepped around the desk. “We’re from the same facility.” She wanted to desperately forget that. “You live at Reservation. I live here.” “It doesn’t matter.” He paused and cocked his head, watching her. “You start fights amongst males, irritate the females, and have a problem with the humans who mate with Species males. It isn’t acceptable.” Fear tingled along her spine. “Is that a threat?” “It’s a warning.” He blinked, leaned back enough to rest the edge of his ass on his desk, while regarding her with a grim expression. “Do you want to talk about it?” “No.” “Too bad.” Anger flared to life in those bright eyes. “You’re my responsibility.” “I’m not,” she protested. He sighed, pushing away from the desk, and stalked closer. She tensed, her defensive instincts flaring to life as her hands clawed. His gaze flickered down while he drew nearer. “Easy, Kit. Don’t start something you don’t want me to finish. I don’t wish to fight.”
His hand flatted on both sides of her with his arms straight out to keep space between them. He was a few inches taller and much wider than her. “What is going on inside you? Talk to me.” “No.” A muscle in his jaw twitched as his mouth pressed into a grim line for a moment before he spoke. “You owe me your very life. I allowed you to live after you betray our people. You should be making the most of it.” “You killed the only male I ever loved.” He blinked, withdrawing as his arms dropped to his sides. “He was using you. I did you a favor.” “It wasn’t your decision to make.” He suddenly grabbed her by her wrists, slamming her against the door with a rough shake, and lowered his face until his nose brushed hers. The green of his eyes seemed alive, too bright, and it scared her badly. He could tear out her throat if he wished. “It wasn’t just about you. You heard him. He would have gone after other females, used and lied to them if he were able. I don’t regret doing it. I saw your pain he inflicted and got revenge for you. You should thank me.” His hold eased but he didn’t release her. “Get over it. Hate me if you must but stop taking it out on the other males. I killed him for you and for the other females he would have abused.” He backed away, his fingers letting go. “There’s a discussion on if you should live in the Wild Zone.” That stunned her. “What?” “You’re unpleasant and can’t get along with others. You abuse males with sex.” He shook his head, watching her warily. “You also have a tendency to get angry when our males mate with humans. I understand why. You’re bitter.” “I’m not,” she denied, not sure if she were being honest. “You take your anger out on everyone around you. You’re transparent to me because I know why you are this way. Get over it or pack your belongs to be transferred to the Wild Zone. I wouldn’t play your cold sex games with them. They wouldn’t politely walk away after you abuse them.” “I don’t abuse.” One black eyebrow lifted. “You won’t allow a male in your bed while sharing sex and then you kick them out right after. Book is a friend of mine. He told me what happened in your apartment. It’s got bitterness written all over it. He just thinks you’re cold by making him take you on the living room floor and telling him you don’t want his scent anywhere you can’t easily wash it off. I know you’re protecting yourself from getting hurt again by keeping everyone angry so they don’t get too close.” Her gaze lowered to the floor. “Get over what the human did to you, Kat. You’re free.” His voice softened. “I never told anyone.” She met his gaze. “Are you afraid I will? That others might see you loving a Mercile employee as a betrayal? I use to think that way until I learned better. He fooled you. That shame is on him. I’m sorry I was so cruel at the time
As far as I can see, there was no mention about gift females being able to get pregnant or any of the female species. However, I do remember from a while ago when it was put to her that it wasn't off the table. If it does happen then I have no idea as to how and when.
ReplyDeleteThank you Emily!
ReplyDeleteI am soo looking forward to Darkness book. Much more than Smiley. Sorry Emily ;-)
Smiley is not my favorite primat. Jericho on the other hand, with his "red" eyes and rumbling sound...
And I hope that more of the Council members get their stories told. Especially Bestial stimulates my curiosity.
Amo seus livros, fico triste em saber que ainda não os publicaram no meu país, mas estou lendo o máximo que consigo graças a várias fãs de seu trabalho! Sim, toda mulher gosta de um livro quente! Traga mais novas especies para todas! Com carinho e amor uma fã brasileira.
ReplyDeleteLove your books, I'm sad to know that not published them in my country, but I'm reading as much as I can thanks to several fans of his work! Yes, every woman likes a hot book! Bring more new species for all! With warmth and love a Brazilian fan.
Lol defantly think am one of the very few for smiley lol i think its because moon was very melo in all the other books but his own not so much. Its easy to forget now that they are free they all can be deadly just think itl be interesting to see. Now that Darkness release is getting closer am geting really excited now.
ReplyDeletethe story am desperate for the most is Vengeance the wait is killing me realy hope it comes out at some point next year
Agree with you about Vengeance! He and Leo are the NS I've greatest expectations to. But LD has surprised earlier as well. I am thinking particularly of Zorius and Tiger. Maybe she has more cards up her sleeve?
I'm with you on Vengence and especially Leo! I'd also really like to see Jericho.
DeleteAh, Vengeance. +1 Probably will end up with Kit.
ReplyDeleteNo way... He want a human. In Tiger he tried to take Zandy Gordon. When Tiger confront Ven he said: "The human females seem so fragile that they should have a mate. I’d take such good care of one.” He wiped at his tears and met Tiger’s gaze. “I don’t mean to frighten them. I just want a mate again so bad. I think Species females would fight to the death to avoid being with one male now that they have choices but a human one accepts it. I keep thinking if I could just claim one that I’d have the time to show her how I’d never hurt her and that I would do anything for her. She would be here to get to know me.” And: “I’ve been learning more about their culture with the television. I know if I am ever to have another mate she is going to have to be a human. That’s how much I want one.”
ReplyDeleteThat's right, he did say that! Here was hoping there would be another species to species relationship featured. All he would take probably human. Honestly have to say, really enjoy scenes with the wild zone in. He seems to mature as time goes on, I remember him and Tiger fighting and then after that not much was really spoke.
DeleteYour absolutely right he wants a human mate even in his spoiler that LD put up shes human and her,name is Cassie the bit you read is great don't know if itl change but she's defantly human
ReplyDeleteI was trying to find that spoiler so I could read it again, but I couldn't remember where I saw it! However I remember thinking at the time that it reminded me a little of Valiant and Tammy.
DeleteYeah, Fury was awesome! It was the first paranormal romantic book I ever read. Valiant, got to say, I loved that one. Only at the beginning you see him really lose his temper, he would seem the perfect wild zone leader. Who ever Leo is seems kind of like him. I'm curious about the wild zone residents, how they would react if more people with mates showed up to live there. Or if in fact another property could be set up at the NSO territory called mate town where people with mates could come to live. Remember that scene in Shadow where I think he is fishing and this other guy from across the other side of the river is as well but he had a tail. They didn't feature his name I don't think, but something featuring the wild zone would be really neat. Of course this primary work is romance, however a situation where something happens maybe the wild zone gets attacked or discovered and nobody is watching. I don't think that part of the NSO is gated that well, though reservation is. I was always interested in that part of their land, there has been a lot of stories about homeland, would be cool to see reservation two. Probably because I really tend to have a soft spot for nature in my heart, so everything looks more beautiful wen seen from such a perspective.
ReplyDeleteITS THE 28th OF OCTOBER YOU CAN PREORDER NOW I HAD TO ACTIVELY PUT IT IN. Like smiley by laurann dohner and you can preorder it so excited not a long wait between books at all ��
Thanks Emily for posting the link to Ven's Spoiler!
ReplyDeleteHere is the Amazon link to pre-order Smiley, just in case:
Its bad i am doing a happy dance inside so excited especially as there won't be that long a wait after Darkness book i really really hope Vengeance book comes out at some point next year. Thankyou Cylver for the link :-)
ReplyDeleteYes, Yess, YEESSS!!!
ReplyDelete*Happy dance*
The link to the next blog.
When do the books come to audible ??
ReplyDeleteWill 'Darkness' be sold on All Romance Ebooks as the others in the series have been? So far, it isn't listed.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteMade a bit of a mistake when posting so will retype this. Darkness should be released now as today is the release date so try and Google Search Amazon Laurann Dohner Darkness to find it on Amazon, it should say the category of where it is posted if you click on more details underneath the description or perhaps it is already listed. I know lately even on Audible, the categories change based on category, so the best thing to do is to search by series, works real well especially if you are on the site, I like their directory structure.
DeleteCan anyone please tell me when Darkness will be available with whisphersync or on
ReplyDeleteUsually, it is released a couple of months after the book release date, I think Amazon has a contract with them if the author publisher approves it, I know Tantor Audio has a contact with audible and I've seen other books from Eloras Cave there two.
DeleteThank you! It's so hard for me to find time to read the book but if I have the audio version I can listen to it at work and get through it in a day. Hopefully they'll get it out soon!
DeleteHaha I usually look for that as well honestly, because you don't have to look at the screen or hell, print it if you dare, you just have to plug in the ear phones, simple.
DeleteYeah I dare say makes work go by pretty fast. Give it a couple of months and check audible for Laurann Dohner, I have the book in text so if you want something done early I can see about a text to speech read out of it, not as good as an actual voice narrator but hey its an audio version.
in my several years of experience with audible they usually have the book available on the same day or at least the next day as the print book is released. Having said that I have not dealt with Ellora's Cave books before because I just found these new species books and they were all published already on audible. I've blown through them all & the Cyborg ones & am addicted. I need more more MORE before I start with a new series under a different Arthor!
ReplyDeleteI can see about a text to speech version of Darkness for you guys if you want it its yours.
DeleteElshara honey, most of us listeners wants the ohhs and ahhs from a good narrator , lol , but thank you so much for the offer , lol , there is nothing like good a good narrator , just love it
DeleteI know its not perfect and a good narrator is part of the experience. I know some rather good voices out there in both fields, just thought I'd offer I wouldn't charge anything for it, just figured it would help because I know I want to. But rather have an expert do a job someone else might not be good at, I understand, its half acting half reading, not all reading a little inflection. Let me know if there are ways in which I can help I would be honored. Oh, did I ever mention, if this was in real life and the NSO actually existed, I'd feel a part of the family, and would want to be there through all times in support and growth, as I am now, here. This series I take to heart, its one of those cases where you just know your spirit is different in a sense, but it is so worth it. There are few things in life that actually I feel this way about, 1 would be a lover, family etc. Two would be making sure nothing or noone went without, and 3 because I care a little too strongly at times, there are certain series with a magic recovery program that always seems to put me in a good mood, this one, Doctor Who, Lord Of The Rings and a couple of others, it varies, but I have a heart of a warrior, this won't change.
DeleteYou've done it again LD ! I love Darkness. Finished it in one day. Your one of the only Authors I read that put out more than one book a year. Love it!!! Keep the books coming. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
ReplyDeleteI so glad that Darkness is out and it was so good that I read it in one day. I love Laurann's writing and I own all her books. I love that she is always able to bring in familiar characters and integrate new ones to her books. I am so looking forward to Smiley's book, he has been wanting a mate for so long that I'm glad that he has one. He is such a sweet character. I want to say thank you for publishing as many books a year that you do, I'm an avid reader and I love when authors are able to publish multiple times in a year.
ReplyDeleteLoved Darkness. It is now one of my LD fans. Can't wait for the next one. So excited that she is back publishing quickly. Only a month to wait for our next fix!!! Woohoo! Way to go Laurann.
ReplyDeleteWill Darkness and Smiley be on Audible book soon.
ReplyDeleteI checked with Audible today and they currently do not have a release date :-(
DeleteI love LD's new species books. I listen to them on audible. I can't wait for Darkness and Smiley to come out on audible. I also can't wait for Ven's story either but the one I really hope will be out soon is Flame's book. I think he has been in every book since Fury. In Wrath's book he met a human women named Amanda and in True's book midnight told True about when Flame was given a sedative and was crying about how he didn't want to put her in a position to be hurt because of what he is, because she was almost killed by her ex. I really do hope that he can get past that and go get Amanda.
ReplyDeleteMe encantan todos tus libros y espero con ansias el resto realmente espero q pronto salga flame y un millon de gracias x lo q haces eres la mejor :)
ReplyDeletesii.. FLAME Y AMANDA!!!
DeleteI love LD's New Species- but I am sadly waiting- very impatiently for Darkness and Smiley to come to me in a "print" version. Any news on when that may happen?
ReplyDeleteIt normally comes out on print in 3 to 6 months from it publishing date on Ebooks tends to very but i hope for you its 3 months max
ReplyDeleteTOTALLY LOVE all LD books and can't wait for her next one. Just learned of her recent illness and so happy she is much better and back at the writing. Have been huge fan of all her books and after just finishing Smiley and still just as impressed. Great writing and couldn't put it down until all finished. Another WOW! Like all the rest Loved it.
ReplyDeleteLove all of the New Species books and glad to hear LD is feeling better. Can't wait for more New Species books. Jericho really needs to find a special lady who will adore his unusual eyes.
ReplyDeleteI agree Jericho needs someone special. He is one of your characters that has fascinated me from the first moment you introduced him. Thanks Laurann for all the wonderful reading too.
ReplyDeleteI hope every one had a nice Thanksgiving!!
ReplyDeleteI love all of your books (New Species). I was so happy for Smiley to find his mate. I would love it if Trey hooked with Breeze or Flame with Amanda. Jericho is also one who deserves someone who appreciates him. Please keep them coming they feel like home away from home.
ReplyDeleteWhen is the next book
ReplyDeleteWhen is the next book
ReplyDeletecheck your website weekly, watching for any news on new book release dates. Love the New Species books. Please continue to give more of them their own HEA.
ReplyDeleteI love your books .when is the next . Please give us new noticies about new species
ReplyDeleteI love all of the series written by LD. Does anyone know when any new book written by LD will be released?
ReplyDeleteI love all your books. I hope that your health is doing better. I need my NS fix when will the next one be out soon I hope.
ReplyDeleteHi, when you are going to write about Flame in New Species
ReplyDeleteamo todos eles nemsei qual deles escollher
ReplyDeleteit shows you love writing about new species. please write about Jericho, Flame, Book and even some of the females. these are so addicting
ReplyDeleteI just discovered this series and have been going through them like hot cakes! I REALLY hope Jericho' s story is next. I'm very interested in Flame as well.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if you were planning on writing Vengeance's story. I know it would be a good read.