releases on April 30th at Amazon
and B&N.
May 1st in the morning, it comes out at Ellorascave. I have no idea
about other sites. The truth is, the files get sent out and it’s up to various
sites on how fast they are loaded. I have no control over that. Other book news...Lethal’s
novella has been turned in. I’m hoping for a June release but not sure. It’s a
story related to Scarred
and Kilt (Something Wicked This Way Comes Volume 2 anthology) and Mine
to Chase. Here is the cover.
In other
writing news...I’m behind. I’m finishing books but it’s going slower than I
intended. Blackie from Cyborg Seduction, Cousin Brand from Mating Heat, and
another Raines book is currently on my plate. I’m also working on updating and
fixing the 11th New Species book. (I’ll be running a contest a few weeks after
Moon is released on my blog to give everyone a chance to read it - to guess who will be featured in the next book so I won’t say the name) It was one of the previously
written books but it needs a big overhaul. I do plan to write the final three
Zorn Warrior books about Vhon, Coto, and Vinlotti. I have pieces of their books
done but their stories connect so I have to finish all three before I can send
in any of them. I’m not sure when but it’s on my ‘to write’ list.
I’ll be
blunt. Life has been hectic and crazy for the past...six months. I got really
ill at the end of last year. It was the cold that wouldn’t go away. That set me
back big time. I ended up sleeping for about two months. I’ve never felt that horrible
in my life. I imagine it was like suffering from narcolepsy. I just couldn’t
stay awake for more than a few hours. I also dealt with house hunting to get my
mother moved closer to me. She lives alone, was a 4 hour drive each way, and I
worried about her. She was ill too when I was so we had to go houses hunting
without her. We found a really terrific two story house a block away. She was
able to come here and see it around Christmas. While she loved it, the stairs
worried her. We ended up searching for a single story house with her, found one
she loved, and bid on it.
Long story
short - it’s tough to write from home, even though I have my own private
office. Kids. Cats. The phone. Just...distractions aplenty. I’ll be writing
along in ‘the zone’...and suddenly have to stop to address something. Scene
lost when I get back to it and I struggle to find where I was. It’s
frustrating. We didn’t back out of the bid on the short sale down the street -
they take FOREVER to close. We bought it to be my office house. No kids, no
cats, no phones, and no distractions. It’s going to make writing easier for me
and I’ll be able to catch up...finally. To me...that’s worth the added cost of another
Right now I’ve
been getting my mother settled in her new place and setting up the office
house. Um, they closed within weeks of each other. It’s been...crazy! I have a
few more weeks to go before the office house is functional. Who knew ordering a
desk could take weeks? Um, not me. I’m distracted, have a million things on my
mind, and quite frankly...I just want to get back to writing. I love that. I
hate shopping for stuff, worrying about what I have to get, and what is needed.
I used to leave the house about once a week. Now it’s a daily thing. It’s too
time consuming for me when I just want to finish books and get them out to
people who have been waiting for those stories. I totally know how frustrating
that is. I read as well as write. It sucks waiting a long time for a book you
really want to read. I apologize for that.
conclusion...I’m still behind but that’s the plan to get back on track. Once
the office house is functional...I can really put in some impressive word count
and focus just on the books. I’ll be able to send them to my editor faster. The
release dates won’t be so far apart. My hope is that by the end of September...I’ll
be caught up to where I want to be. That’s finishing at least 5 books that I
have big partials on for various series. This summer is dedicated to writing. That’s the plan to get back on track.
I also want
to apologize for being behind on my emails. There just aren’t enough hours in
the day right now. It’s seriously crazy. I spend about an hour a day right now
answering them but I’m the weeds. I’ve hired someone for the time
being to help me with Twitter and my official author fan page on Facebook (the
Laurann Dohner friend one...that’s ALL me). I couldn’t keep up with all three
constantly so sometimes the one answering you on those two is an awesome person
assisting me named Ditter Kellen, sometimes it’s me. She knows my books back to
front and what’s going on in my life so she can answer most of your questions. She
gives me a call if she can’t so she can give you an answer. LOL.
Last but not
least, Ellorascave has signed a deal for audio books. Awesome news!!! 25 of my
titles were picked up (not sure which ones exactly...pretty sure the New
Species will be included). I don’t know when they will be made but I’ll update
you when I hear something. Tiger should be added into print soon too. I’m
looking for it and will notify you when I spot it.
I hope you
have a fantastic day!
I was so confused about the office house since I thought you had your and your mom's house squared away. Is it basically a guest house??? I think I missed the post on that!
ReplyDeleteadoro os seus livros criei o habito de ler com suas series.adoro ler guerreiros zorn,sedução cyborg e novas especies.mas o meu preferido é guerreiros zorn meu sonho de consumo kkk.obrigada pelos livros maravilhosos eu leio e literalmente viajo neles
ReplyDeleteI thought Brass came after Moon. However if it isnt Brass then Ven!!!!! I love your books!!!
ReplyDeleteI had bid on the two story (office) house (the one up the block) for my mother at first. She was worried the stairs would be too much in a few years so we found her a single story. I ended up buying the two story for my office house. I had to have painters go into both houses. Her house closed about 2 weeks before the office house did. Now she's moved into her house but still needs this or that as she settles in.
ReplyDeleteThe office house was just painted, the handymen still have to come fix a few things, and I've ordered furniture for it. It takes time to ship things like a desk - it seems. The office house is for me to work in and it has two guest rooms for family and friends to sleep in when they visit. We don't get visitors often. The master bedroom of the office house is all mine for work. LOL. I hope that was more clear.
Yeah guest rooms .. no tents in the backyard, I was looking forward to it. Summer time just roll out the tent and land in the pool!
DeleteMarcia, I think I got all that translated. LOL. I'm glad you are enjoying the books.
ReplyDeleteAnon - I'm not giving any hints on who the next book is about that I haven't already stated in the blog. LOL
Will you be contining the Zorn Warrior Series?
ReplyDeleteWill you ever get a movie deal for these hot guys stories???
ReplyDeleteOh Laurann, I can't wait for the Audio Books, Will get all of them. Please keep us updated on this.
ReplyDeleteIf being a writer and author will get me what you have (2 homes), where do i start. Your the best..:-)
Oh my gosh that's such good news!! I can't wait for those audio books but more importantly your well again! A contest sounds fun. I keep counting down the days till Moon and now I can't wait for Lethal <3 Don't work to hard just for our sake you might make yourself sick again. Good luck with the new homes I hope the move goes smoothly.
ReplyDeleteYESSS!!! audio books!! been dying for new species on audio book. :)
ReplyDeleteGeez chick, you need to get yourself an assistant for your social media stuff. Maybe plant her in one of the guest bedrooms in the author house. There's no shame in getting a little help :)
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for Moon's book!! I just finished rereading Obsidian and there was a character in the story that was screaming for his own book, so I'm hoping he is the 11th one.
ReplyDeleteLaurann, please, please, reconsider ending the Zorn Series. They are my absolute favorite, I know you could turn them into a huge series like the New Species(which I do like:) I would also love it if you expanded the original stories & made into full length books (I loved them that much!!LoL:)Take care.
ReplyDeleteThe 11th book will be one of two you've written originally, right? So it would be about a NS male who's still in captivity and who met his girl in his cage (maybe both released in Moon's book) or about the other one. :)
And I'm guessing that contest you are planning for us is to NAME a guy from next book.
AUDIO BOOKS! That is freakin' AWESOME! lol!
ReplyDeleteLOL. Thank you. I'm excited about the audio books too. VERY COOL. Um, no movie deal yet. It would be cool. I'm not giving any hints about the next NS book. Zorn - I don't know if I'll write more than three books. I just know I NEED to finish the three I have big partials on.
ReplyDeleteHola Laurann, desde Chile, en la Patagonia, feliz por tus noticias, vivir cerca de la mama es muy bueno, tambien feliz por los audio libros, una buena opcion para quienes debemos dejar de trabajar para poder leer, yo me dedico a pintar y realmente una vez que tomo uno de tus libros dejo todo lo demas de lado y no puedo terminar el trabajo, me he dado cuenta que necesito un curso urgente de ingles para poder leerlos en cuanto salen a la venta, es muy dificil encontrarlos en español, una prueba para nuestra paciencia, te envio muchos saludos, y espero ansiosa cada uno de tus libros
ReplyDeleteHi Laurann, from Chile, Patagonia, happy for your news, live near the breast is very good, too happy for audio books, a good choice for those who must leave work to read, I am dedicated to painting and really once you take one of your books leave aside everything else and I can not finish the job, I realized I need urgent English course to read them as they go on sale, it is very difficult to find them in Spanish, a test of our patience, I send many greetings, and I look forward each of your books
seria muy entretenido tener un concurso para saber quien es el siguiente protagonista de Nuevas Especies, me inclino por Flame, aunque estoy segura que sea quien sea nos tendra ansiosa y esperando
ReplyDeletewould be very entertaining to have a contest to see who is the next star of New Species, I am inclined to Flame, although I'm sure whoever will have us anxious and waiting
I'm so happy for you with your authoring news but sorry you've been sick and behind the 8 ball too on all these other issues. I don't know how you do it. I have two kids, a husband, a house, a dog, etc and can't imagine trying to keep my mind together enough to write books on top of everything else.
ReplyDeleteI love reading your books Laurann, whenever they are ready, they're ready. No pressure :-)
You're an amazing writer!
ReplyDeleteYou are one of those authors that I have on my Kindle and I have bought all your books that are in print so far.
Damnit! Now I'm gonna have to buy the audiobooks. Just kidding about the damnit part... I wrote multiple letters to Ellora about when your books would be coming out in audio format. I think someone like Jim Frangione should narrate the books.
Thanks for letting us slip into your imagination through your books.
Hey Laurann you rock awesome! Take care of yourself lady and take your time doing what you love! Don't wear yourself out too much. Good luck with your office house! Can't wait for Moon to be out! :) Thanks for sharing your awesome writings with us all.
ReplyDeleteHi Laurann!
ReplyDeleteI love your books! Never tire of reading them over and over again. Kobo will have Moon available at the end of this month!! I cannot wait! :D
ReplyDeleteI'm happy that your mom is now leaving in your area. I now how bad it is leaving so far away. I live in CA and my mom is in Puerto Rico. Sometimes things like this happened. I know that you are going to be finaly organize in no time. And again thank you for your wonderful stories.
Thank you so, so, so much for this update. I love all your books, and don't worry as long as you keep writing, I'm forever waiting xD Virtual stalker yeah <3
ReplyDeleteLaurann, thanks for the update. I love the cover for Lacey and Lethal, and of course, I'm counting down the hours till Moon magically appears on my Kindle!
ReplyDeleteA contest sounds exciting! I know who I'd like to read about next, but it will be fun to look for clues!
I hope everything is starting to calm down for you a little and that you've been able to get some sleep. Take care!
hello laurann,
ReplyDeleteI love your book, NS and Zorn i beg you write about Zapal from Zorn :)
I hope there is some hint as to which of the New Species book is getting the overhaul.
ReplyDeleteJust a few more days until Moon is out Ladies!!! WOOHOO!!
ReplyDeleteIf my calculations* are right and you pre-ordered Moon on it should be out in...a hour and a half!!!
ReplyDelete*Calculations are based on Eastern Time Zone & previous pre-order experience*
I'm on the West Coast (California), and I usually get my pre-orders at 10PM my time. So yup, an hour and a half! Whoopee!!
ReplyDeleteI pre-ordered Moon on Amazon.
ReplyDeleteI'm from Europe and there's 30th April for like 9 hours now. It's almost 9.00 AM. Still no Moon on my Kindle. Waiting is a bitch. ;)
Just finished reading Moon...OH! MY!! GOD!!! I have a pretty good idea who is getting mated next. This is on my most favorites list though. It was seriously INCREDIBLE ya'll!
ReplyDeleteJust finished Moon - I think I just found a new favorite! What a fantastic story.
ReplyDeleteLoved Moon and all the past character. Really I did. However to be very honest I was just not feeling Joy. I found her just plain annoying and couldn't stand her.
ReplyDeleteTotaly loved Moon (but my boss hate me now because I red most of it it at work) well bad for him =)
ReplyDelete1 took the day off.
DeleteGood planning! Have to remember that when the next book is released. But I think I have to find another reason than that I have to read a book...
DeleteMy daughter need to take care of some business and needed someone to take care of the kids one daythis week. an hour of babysitting equaled the nest of the day to read the book!
DeleteI love your new species books!!!!!!!!!!! I have so many favorites I can't pick just one. ;) It is like christmas every time i get a new one on my kindle. Thanks so much for writing great books. Cover for moon is smokin hot!
ReplyDeleteI like Moon book, but I was not feeling Joy at all; she was rather ignoring; she almost remind of Allison.. I enjoy Harley being voice of reason, Darkness making his apperance and all the others, but I do hope the next book is Jade and his female human of course and her occupation should be a cop.
annoying (sorry for the misspelling)
DeleteI liked Joy-but then l liked Allison too!
DeleteAnonymous I hope there is a cop or army lady character came for Jaded or to Bestial
ReplyDeleteWow, where do you get your energy. As much as I love your books, you must take care of yourself. Thank you so much for sharing not just your talent, but your life with us. Wish I lived next door and was able to help in any way. The problem is I would become the pesky neighbor wow probably couldn't keep from asking questions about the characters. ALL of them. Keep up the awesome work.
ReplyDeleteFinished Moon last night. I really enjoyed it. Joy was, well... meh... I did not hate her, but I did not love her. She was ok and she had some really good scenes towards the end which redeemed her. Moon was great, but we all knew he was going to be great because it's MOON! How could he not be great? Anyway, I loved how you wove in some of the older characters still needing mates. Loved Harley, of course, but Smiley, Flame, Darkness, Jaded and Bestial were all good to see, even if only for a bit. I have two candidates for the next book, but I am pretty much leaning towards one of them, so let us know when the contest is up :)
ReplyDeleteThe discussion group will be waiting until this weekend to discuss Moon to give everyone a chance to finish it. I cannot wait. So much to talk about :D
Ok. I have read Moon twice and really loved it. I love that you keep updating us on all of your other characters. They are like family to us. I retread all of the other Species books while waiting for Moon to release and adored the updates on everyone. Moon is one of my new faves.
ReplyDeleteLoved Moon Joy not so much
ReplyDeleteI know you have been writing about species males but, I would really love to see a story about Breeze. She's a very interesting character and I would love to see her have a love of her own.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand why people are ragging about Joy. I thought she was a great character. She stood by her man (sorry, her male) and took huge risks to help him when she didn't even know if he still had feelings for her. And she stood up to Harley. And Justice. And got her way!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. I just finished reading Moon and I thought it flowed perfectly from front to back. It is definitely going into the top of my list.
DeleteI'm with you, Cylver. You summed it up perfectly. Joy didn't give up on Moon and willingly risked her life several times because she loved him without even knowing how he felt about her. She stated several times that she wouldn't walk away from him again because her biggest regret was walking away the first time. She was strong, intelligent and loyal...and she wasn't a whiner!! I liked her.
DeleteI just finished reading MOON. A huge fan, really brightens up my day just thinking of the new species series. When you said your holding a contest of a guess what name of the next book; I then started brainstorming what happened in moon again. One particular moment stood out like it was a hint. Just like some authors foreshadow of what's to come- it was a conversation. The conversation was between Flame and Joyce. I don't want to give out details because that would be spoiling the MOON book for ones who haven't read it yet. Crossing my fingers- I'm definitely sure the next book is FLAME!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYeah... I had that same feeling while reading that Flame's book would be next. BUT... after reading Tiger you could think that Ven's book would be next and it wasn't.
DeleteAnyway... Flame and awful, pushy, vulgar Amanda.
I'll skip this entry for sure.
I don't think it will be Flame, my vote is for True. However...
ReplyDeleteI still like Amanda. I think Laurann can do a LOT with that character. So much character growth that could happen there. And she may not be perfect, but she may be what Flame needs. I hate to see Flame getting told off by so many of the others. While I know he can stand up to them, and probably will in his own book, it would be nice to see Amanda telling someone off on his behalf. It would be hilarious too. She may be over the top, but she thinks he walks on water and he deserves someone like that. She seems immature, she can grow. Either way, we never read anything from her point of view. What she says and what she thinks and feels may be something different. She may be trying to pretend to be ok, when she is really not. I say, give Laurann a chance with Amanda. If anyone can make it work, she can. A lot can happen in a book.
I know lots of people don't agree, but I will definitely read an Amanda and Flame book.
Wow these comments are great. LOL. Laurann.. been following you since you started. Still great work.. just keeps getting better. .too bad you haven't started that "guessing game" for the next one yet.. Think we are already taking stabs at who it will be. I am going for it anyway LOL.. 1st choice, Harley, 2nd Flame/ Would love to see Darkness as well. So many characters so little time. Take care of yourself. We love your work!
ReplyDeleteAcerogamma, I totally agree. True, Amanda is pushy and vulgar, but she has her reasons. She was almost killed by a "lover" in the past and I think she's using the attitude as a cover. It'll be great to see them get together. Talk about sexual healing! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI'm not much psychologist but it simply ILLOGICAL and DOUBTFUL for abused woman to develop the attitude such as Amanda's. Big girl hiding her insecurities behind such as Amanda's behavior I would believe. But not in abused woman turned into sex starved, pushy, obscene individual who try to throw herself at every penis in sight.
DeleteHave you read "Deep Desires"? Heroine in this story was also survivor from abusive relationship and she made everything in her power to make herself invisible. She was so damaged that she was afraid of people. She wore baggy clothes, long hair covered her face, she had no friends and has been working as a mall clerk. She was doing her best to make herself ordinary, uninteresting and unseen. And in that kind of behavior from a woman whom her ex boyfriend tried to kill with the hammer I would believe.
Healing emotional wounds from physical and mental abuse by turning into vulgar nymphomaniac is as logical as the drunkard healing his addiction with wodka.
I really hope that Mrs Dohner will find another explanation for Amanda's attitude because if her past became an excuse for her present behavior it would be simply preposterous.
The thing about trauma is that not everyone reacts to it the same way. I have seen many girls who are abused and become sexually promiscuous as a result. That is the only value they see in themselves. I have a feeling that is not the case with Amanda though. I think she was not so much abused, but more of a near death experience survivor. She is still scared to death, doesn't think she will ever have a chance at a good relationship (many larger girls have that problem and her one almost chance did not turn out well at all), and on top of that wants to live to the fullest and not miss out on anything because she may be scared any moment could be her last. That is how I see her. Then again, Laurann can turn it into anything, so who knows!
DeleteThere have been many studies done on people who were abused and yes some do become sexually promiscuous, not all but some do.
DeleteLoved Moon & have fallen for Harley! Gimme a sexy biker whose also a great friend.
ReplyDeleteI also re-read the series while waiting for Moon, even though I have loads of unread books on my reader, just shows how great your books are.
Thanks for another great read, keep up the good work, shame there aren't 48 hours in a day then we'd get more! Just kidding, they're worth the wait.
I found moon hot! But clutsy.. he was tripping over everything. Lol. Awesome book. Good job laurann.
ReplyDeleteabout Moon... someone somewhere (probably Facebook) described him the perfect way: Adorkable. I agree so much, it is a great book and I personally think that the NS series should never ever ever end. Ever. And longer books would be totally acceptable too ;)
ReplyDeleteI have to say that I wish I had the ability to write the way you do. You are definitely someone to look up to with all that action and romance and every single character you write is solid. It's amazing, really.
I guess all I can say is well done. You are brilliant!
Moon..Moon..Moon I love you
ReplyDeleteI glad you have your HEA
Waiting on True who I think will be next, love it to be Flame and Amanda, but I think that should be after True
I have to say, that I fell in love for Moon since I've read Slade, but I'm disappoint. Moon was different, he was funny, and have specyfic sense of humor, he always make a joke with Harley and Brass, but in this book he is someone else... I miss him, HIM from book about Slade... I hope you wont change Darkness. Sorry for my writing, but english isn't my basic language. Good luck with Flames and Amanda, I also hope, that Harley will meet some nice girl, and won't be so lonley... I can not wait another story about New Species. I dream about some twisted male, who is living in Reservation, and is failure even for his own kind... I'm thinking about someone even more wild than Valiant, maybe someone new... I wait with anticipation for new book. Kriss
ReplyDeleteThat is what I tbought too. Loved Moon in all the previous books. But he was way different in this one, even after his whole ordeal it just wasn't Moon. As for Joy, not feeling her at all.
DeleteI want to read about true as well valiant was my fav hope the next book comes out soon perhaps Leo or vengeance
ReplyDeleteIs there any possibility that you change your publisher? none of the books of Elloras has been translated in other language as German or Spanish ,which is my mother tongue, but I live nowadays in Germany.
Some writers of erotica are published by Harlequin and they(Harlequin co.) Translate many books in many languages like french, italian, spanish, german, etc.
Hi Laurann
ReplyDeleteJust checking in to see when the contest begins
Hi Laurann, love your books, god I hope it is either Flame/Amanda or Smiley's book next (sigh the sweetie). If possible Smiley defo with a brunette nurse with green eyes !!! ;0) xx
ReplyDeleteHi Laurann, I just wanted to let you know that I picked up Flint's book in the on accident and that from the first page I was hooked. I work in a book store and end up having to read a lot of books to give recommendations to the customers. You are by far the best author I have read and my favorite. :) I have enjoyed every one of your books. Here's encouragement! You're doing great!! Congratulations on your closing on both houses! I hope you feel better soon.
ReplyDeleteLoved Moon. I truley enjoyed all of the species series,and have read them so much the words are faded on my kindle. I am hoping Jericho gets a story soon. I just felt so sorry for him even the NS women avoided him. Can not wait for the next book.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to wish you a Happy Mother's Day.
ReplyDeleteCongradulations on making the NY Times Bestseller list again! So happy for you and your family. Looking forward to whatever book/series is released next. Thank you for your wonderful writing.
ReplyDeleteHi from Brazil Laurann!! Hey...Nice house office, lady!!
ReplyDeleteAbt Moon, just loved his book and also his mate! Great book!!
Since everybody is sharing some thoughts abt their prefered charaters let me say once again that i'm cheering for a Jericho`s book.
He is so different...his eyes, his sounds...hummm crossing fingers to see him soon with na absolutly Strong, intelling and pretty mate at his side.
Beijos to all,
Love all the books! I'm hoping the next book is either Breeze or Jericho.
ReplyDeleteSo want to no how the females find mates!!
Hello: I hope you enjoy your mother's day a lot and congratulations on Moon making the NY Bestseller list.
LOVE your new Office House. That will be me in 7 years when hubby retires!!!Can't wait.
ReplyDeleteLOVE ALL Your Cyborg books especially Krell. I loved that guy, he needed a break.
LOve ALL the NS even Obsidion, which some people gripped about I dug it.
My only request as a fan: please, PLEASE let a NS fall in love with a spunky Latina. We seem to attract drama in real life, why not add a NS to the mix;p!?!
I discovered New Species books a week or so ago and have already finished them all! I love the heroines with their sass and the guys with their dream-making combo of sexiness and loyalty. I cant wait to read Flame and Amanda's story. I thought she was over the top and blunt but loyal and sweet. Besides New Species like blunt honesty! I would love to see Darkness' story... maybe a human around 6 feet could feel petite and cared for this time? Short girls always getting these tall dark and sexy guys! :)
ReplyDeleteWe really need a primate smiley,jericho maybe :)Can't wait for their books!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI vote for Smiley, he's been turn down twice.
DeleteLove Smiley please let him get his HEA with smart women of color.
Oh man, I love your books! I'm obsessed with the New Species series because the world you set up is so interesting and they keep getting better but I can't forget about the Zorn warriors, I want more on them! Anyway as long as you keep writing these awesome characters I'll keep reading. By the way, I loved Moon.
ReplyDeleteHi Laurann,
ReplyDeleteI really really like all you books. Like others i'm obsessed with New Species and Cyborg. Ven really broke my heart that his mate died, i read in one of the book that he is busy with puppies, maybe you can write his story with single mom with 2 kids who left the puppies and the are on the run.
Does it make sense. Well i can't wait for your next book.
ReplyDeleteSingle mom? Black women?
And the wtf is because.....?
DeleteWTF is probably because there are no single mom's or black women character's. Just taking a guess.
Loved Moon! But I have to ask where was Brass, he has been in every book up to this point in one way or another, but he was only mentioned in Moon... Sorry but I have to stand up for him, I want his book out sooo bad, even though I am sure I will dread reading about him and a another woman... I kinda think of him as my male!!!
ReplyDeleteI say the next book is True's.
I say the next book is Harley.
ReplyDeleteI hope NOT!!!
DeleteI HATED, HATED, HATED Harley in Moon.
He was an a-hole.
It's truly a gift to create such a wonderful character in Slade and then totally ruin it in Moon. :-/
Welp true it is!
ReplyDeleteI just don't want another female character to be a doctor/nurse.
ReplyDeleteI don't want another promiscuous heroine.
DeleteLaurann, does every single one of your heroines have to flash her tits or crawl into a guy's bed uninvited? Or smex him on a "first date" or has AT LEAST three - four past lovers???
Not every woman in the world behave in such manner so it's hard to relate.
Hey, Laurann write EROTICA, not pg 13!
DeleteI like to read bloody thrillers and crime novels, but I'm not a murderer for it. Every heroine I read about do not look like me or act like I would have done in similar situations.
DeleteA writer is free to describe their protagonists exclusively imagination. Laurann has previously said that she would not write about virgins heroine in her books.
That should we as readers respect. Moreover, as mentioned in a previous post, she writes erotica.
I read Lauranns books just because it's erotica. If I want to read about damsels in distress who behave virtuous, chaste, bashful and timid, I had chosen a completely different genre and author.
(I hope you are indulgent with my bad English, since English is my third Language :-(
I agree but I also understand the difference between sensual and tasteful erotica and a vulgar one. Unfortunately some (most) of Mrs. Dohner's heroines are simply vulgar and slut*y. They remind me of these girls in porn movies who on the sight of handsome plumber instantly got an itch they just NEED to scratch without deeper thought about it.
DeleteVirgin or non virgin has nothing to do with being classy.
vengeance or darkness would be best for a new book. I would also like to see a proactive step taken by the new species in the hunt for threat. example a new species lead cyber division with the gift females as the leaders. it kinda makes sense since they are small but have the brains to survive a bad situation. I didn't like how they seemed to just sit around while everyone else had something to do.
ReplyDeleteCan we have update please on how soon the next book will be released
ReplyDeleteLaurann, just seen on goodreads that book 11 in NS sereis is True ?......any info plz ?. Cheers xx
ReplyDeleteooops on the spelling.....i was sooooo excited, but you know what I mean ;0)
DeleteIt is about True. Check according to ditter site for updates.
DeleteLadies, I don't think Laurann checks or posts to this blog anymore. To find out updates on contests you need to check either Laurann's Facebook page or her assistant, Ditter Kellan's site: According to Ditter.
ReplyDeleteThis April post hasn't been updated since April 16 and I believe Ms. Dohner hasn't posted since April 16.
Aww i hope thats not true because i dont use facebook, and much as i love getting info i dont want an account just for updates x
DeleteMy thoughts exactly Jules!
DeleteI don`t use facebook either, so I realy hope she will use some other media to give us information and updates.
DeleteI went to the according to ditter site and she has responded just recently to people on there as of may 28th. Plus it says the new book is going to be about True.
DeleteI figured it was going to be either True, Flame or Harley. But I thought she was going to have a contest to see if we could guess who.
DeleteShe had the contest on the ditter site for 24 hours. Not very long.
DeleteThat's just great.
DeleteI've cyber stalked this site every day waiting for Laurann to post about contest. And she literally blew off me and other fans who don't know what ditter site is or don't use facebook. Nice.
I've noticed some time ago that she has very disdainful way to treat her fans by not posting, not answering comments or e-mails, by ignoring fans suggestions abour her series ect.
She's a great writer but I suspect that successes went to her head.
I'm disappointed.
I didn't know what the according to ditter site was till someone mentioned it on here. Then I went to the site and saw that the contest was on may 27th. I wouldn't have gotten the answer right anyway lol!
DeleteI agree with my fellow readers. Not all of us do the Facebook thing. I think the contest should have been held on a few places & for at least 3 or 4 days ...or perhaps a week. Also, posting on blogs, web pages & social media sites (like Facebook) comes with the territory for today's authors, yes? I feel that an author's assistant should stay on top of updating them. BTW...when is the next NS book due out, eh? Mz. Kay
DeleteSorry to bum everyone out, but even Ms. Dohner states in her April update that she's a bit overwhelmed right now. Some authors are great at updating blogs, some *shrug*, not so much.
ReplyDeleteLike I mentioned, you can check Ditter's site for contests--the next one is June 5.
I'm sure as the publication date gets near for the new NS or Cyborg series book gets near, she will update this blog.
ReplyDeleteIt's just hard to wait . . . :)
There's a Laurann Dohner contest starting at 5 pm tonight, June 5 at the According to Ditter site.
ReplyDeleteHi, Laurann. I am a big fan of your books. Especially the serie of New Species. You have already started writing the next book of Moon? If you are already writing, can you tell me the title? Please!
Ok I readed Lethal, it was far more better than Chase :) I'm waiting another story about Raines - PLEASE!!!! I love your sense of humor, don't let me down. Your Kriss
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the eye candy!!!!
ReplyDeletei love your book and all the hot men on the covers
ReplyDeleteI love your books! I just recently started reading your new species books and I can't get enough of them, I just really like to hear about the primate species with smiley and Jericho but also about flame and vengeance too, they all really need a mate, I just hope you make them human mates. I just really love reading about species men and human women, they are my favorite kind of stories.
ReplyDeleteI love the New Species. I almost can't hardly wait in between books. I have secret hopes and dreams for this series. I'd love to see Breeze mate a human, possibly Trey. I hope the females can make babies with human men! I'd also love to see a primate take a mate since we haven't seen that in 10 book's. I'd hope for it to be Smiley since I feel we know and connect with him most. I also hope you continue to be inspired to mate every last New Species so we can look forward to MANY more books. Lol
ReplyDeleteHola Laurann adoro la saga NS y espero con ansias la historia de Revenge tengo fantacias de la forma que podra tener a su compañera y hasta incluso adoraria que sea una humana y no NS.Lei la saga completa hasta ahora,ahora solo espero MAAAAS!!! SALUDOS desde Argentina!!
ReplyDeleteHola Laurann me encantaria saber si la saga de NS y cyborg seduction tendra mas libros me encatan tus trabajos...
Laurann yo soy una fiel admiradora de sus series tanto nuevas especies como cybors, como podra ver no hablo ingles; pero no por ello dejo de admirarla en sus exitos. me gustaria saber si va a seguir escribiendo otros libros de ambas series o si ha decidido ponerle fin a las historia. espero que la respuesta sea que si porque me gustaria continuar leyendo mas sobre ella. espero que a pesar del idioma no deje de seguir haciendonos suspirar por sus creaciones. son muy buenas y la felicito y espero con ansias poder continuar leyendo mas acerca de ambas series. su mas fiel y gran admiradora. Jessie de Puerto Rico.